

Page history last edited by Natasha Cherednichenko 10 years ago



February 09 – March 01  2015


You will work together in the coming months.

This is why it is nice to know who everyone is!

For each group there is an introduction page.

If you click below on the name of your school, you can get started.

Tell us something about your school, your community, your group, your classmates and your teacher. 

Please create a beautiful page for us with pictures, drawings, videos

or in any other creative way (Cool Tools)





There are many schools that connect and work with students in international projects.

A wonderful example are the students from the Ashram College in Alphen aan de Rijn in The Netherlands and the Gymnázium Zikmunda Wintra from Rakovník in the Czech Republic

Together they are committed to a project in India.


Please watch a short movie that they made for us:





Facilitation: Natasha Cherednichenko / Projectcoordinator Learning Circles: Bob Hofman
Group Country  School / teacher(s)


Glenhaven senior PS / Janice Robertson & Jennifer Black


Paul A. Fisher school / Anna Massari


Visser't Hooft Lyceum / Remme van der Nat & Klaas Dijkhuis


Visser't Hooft Lyceum / Ellen Vrolijk

  Suriname Anton Residaschool / Varsha Bahadoersingh


OLE- club, school "7 keys" / Olga Timofeeva

  Morocco Oukba Ibnu Nafiaa / Abderazaq Layat


Vechtdal College / Annemiek Koopman




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