
Paul Fisher School

Page history last edited by massaria@... 9 years, 10 months ago

I am so excited to start our Wiki page! 


My name is Anna Massari, and I am the grade 6 teacher at Paul A. Fisher in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. 


Stay tuned for my class' introduction! 


This is our grade 6 family out snowshoeing!  We are a lot of fun, and eager to learn about Canada and our relationships with the rest of the world!




Challenge 1:  


After reading news articles about Children's Rights being broken, my students came up with the following political cartoons.  See if you can tell what they are protesting! 





Comments (4)

Anita Townsend said

at 4:00 pm on Mar 11, 2015

Thanks Anna! You show how Canadian students can enjoy winter. Please share more of the things you do to making learning fun in the days ahead. Enjoy the project.

teacher7keys@gmail.com said

at 7:19 am on Mar 9, 2015

Thanks, Anne, for sharing the photo! Really, students are students everywhere...my students ae also s funny, active and cheerful!)))

Natasha Cherednichenko said

at 7:44 am on Feb 17, 2015

Dear mrs. Anne and students,
this foto is really cool!! Go ahead and give more details about yourselves.

Bob Hofman said

at 10:15 pm on Feb 16, 2015

Hi Mrs. Anne, thanks for your introduction :-)
Seems like your class is really FUN!!
Please take in mind that BIG 5 MB pictures might take 20-30 minutes to open in some of our LC countries.... please down size to 50-100Kb..... am sure ur students can do that for us :-)
gr Bob

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