
Vissert Hooft Lyceum  (teacher Ellen Vrolijk)

Page history last edited by Ellen Vrolijk 9 years, 11 months ago

Introduce yourselves to your circle


What shall we do? Take selfies and tell about our lives in text? Write what we’re interested in, what we do for fun outside of school,
what we do for fun inside school, what makes us laugh, what we worry about..

What was the first thing we thought of when we heard: 'Children’s Rights'.

You know…the stuff that makes you want to find out more about someone.

Or, what about drawing graphic stories about ourselves? (see Cool Tools).

Or, making up a rap about our lives and videotaping ourselves singing it?  Or recording the rap as the sound track for a video that shows our lives?

What about taking us on a Google Earth tour, with you're telling us what we’re seeing?

There are so many ways for us to get to know one another, which makes working together lots more exciting.
So remember to leave time to find out more about our team mates.


Class 1D

Visser 't Hooft Lyceum

Leiden,The Netherlands


Hello everyone!

My name is Ellen Vrolijk and I'm the form teacher of this wonderful, creative and enthousiastic bunch.We are a class of 23 pupils all following bilingual education.


Everyone in this class lives in Leiden or in the surrounding area. We go to school by bike/car/train and follow all sorts of lessons and participate in a lot of extra activities such as a singing competition and stargazing.


In our introduction you get a little view of how we get to school, the area surrounding Leiden and in Leiden, some singing by three of our talented classmates, a bit of the school and us as a class at the very end.


We hope you'll enjoy our film and we are excited to see what will happen next in these learning circles!


Sorry, we are having a bit of trouble uploading the video. It should be here soon :)

Comments (1)

Bob Hofman said

at 5:26 pm on Mar 6, 2015

Hi Ms Ellen and Students, I've copied your school information from the general introduction page to this page, your school intro page.
please continue on this page..... for information about uploading a video --> https://kinderrechten2015po1.pbworks.com/w/page/92329578/Invoegen%20van%20een%20Youtube%20filmpje Greetings, Bob

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