
Vechtdal College

Page history last edited by annemiek koopman 9 years, 11 months ago




My name is Annemiek Koopman, 30 years old. Im the Dutch teacher of class 2c2 and also the mentor. Our school, the Vechtdal College, is situated in Hardenberg. A small town in the east of the  Netherlands. Our 2c2 students are practically oriented, so our lessons are too. English can be quite difficult for these learners. 


I hope we will learn a lot and get to know students from different countries.




Joyce Tanja & Romy


Hi I'm Hilco Mast. I'm a boy and I'm 14 years old. I go to the Vechtdal College Hardenberg - we have 32 hours per week of school. I always go on my bike to school and my hobby's are football,gaming and here it is 17 degrees. I want to become a truck mechanic.


Hello we are Thijs (14), Jonne (13) and Bjorn (14).  Our school is Vechtdal College in Hardenberg. We're in class 2c2 and it's a very nice class!

We have our own kitchen and a technique square and a welfare square and we also have an open learning centre. The whole class has an iPad, it's very nice to work with an iPad, the whole class takes the iPad to school every day.

Our hobbies are football and riding on the tractor. I'm Jonne and I play a lot of basketball because I think it is a very fun sport.


Hi, I'm Jennifer and I'm 14 years old.

I practise kickboxing. 

My hobby's are longboarding and gaming

We are an ipad class

I have an hour to cycle to school

I live 3 miles an attraction park


Hello I am Pascal van Poll. I am 14 years old and I play football at vv marienberg (c1).  

I go to the RBK and I live in Hardenberg in the Netherlands


Hi I'm Theo kosse I'm 14 years old and I go to the Vechtdal college in Hardenberg.
It is really nice at school. My best subjects at school are gym and math. My hobbies are playing games and football At school the teachers are really nice.  I'm going to have my future in technique. To me that seems fun to do!



Comments (7)

Hendrik Karsodikromo said

at 2:20 am on Apr 5, 2015

Together we are about to tell everyone the meaning of' 'vriend van Lot'. See you soon...

Bob Hofman said

at 9:56 pm on Apr 4, 2015

Komt er weer zo'n mooie kans voor bij.. Er is een delegatie van de AR-school in Nederland in de week van 15 april.
Op 15 april gaan we met 3 scholen en de gasten uit Suriname naar Soest, landgoed Paltz van Herman van Veen, de bedenker van Lot.
Jullie zijn van harte uitgenodigd!

annemiek koopman said

at 4:58 pm on Mar 23, 2015

@ bob hofman.. ik heb het in de groep gegooid, gesprek gepland met directie. dit lijkt me namelijk super!!!

Bob Hofman said

at 10:48 am on Mar 23, 2015

Hoi Annemiek, zag je comment bij AR school.. --> http://www.ict-edu.nl/reizen/suriname-reis --> in januari 2016 gaan we weer :-) Join?

Bob Hofman said

at 10:55 pm on Mar 15, 2015

Well done class 2C2 :-)

Hendrik Karsodikromo said

at 10:20 pm on Feb 26, 2015

Be part of the great learning circle family

Bob Hofman said

at 12:04 pm on Feb 17, 2015

Welcome Annemiek and Class :-)

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