--> Please feel free to add resources on this page for all participants.
Resources for teachers:
Challenge 1: The right to good food, clean water & health care
Terre des Hommes: Organisation in actions to improve the protection of environmental child rights.
Unicef Ambassador Orlando Bloom describes every child's right to clean and safe drinking water:
A parents blog: A child’s right to clean water.
One Day’s Wages is you, me, us, them: giving, dreaming, and working together to end extreme global poverty:
Water Aid: Child Rights Based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH):
Global Washington: working to reduce poverty and disease, increase access to health care and education.
News from a water relief organization:
A Child's Right's mission is to change the lives and improve the health of vulnerable children:
Challenge 2: The right to education and protection against child labour.
Child labour is defined in ILO Conventions. Video: ILO Reports on Child labour globally:
Unicef: Child protection from violence, expatiation and abuse.
HREA is an international non-governmental and non-profit organization that supports human rights education; the training of human rights defenders and professional groups:
Videos on United Nation news. A new report by the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Video about the Global Conference on Child Labour, Brazil 2013:
The Global March Against Child Labour is a movement to mobilize worldwide efforts to protect and promote the rights of all children, especially the right to receive a free, meaningful education and to be free from economic exploitation:
Stop Child Labour – School is the best place to work’ is a coalition coordinated by Hivos. The coalition consists of the Algemene Onderwijsbond (AOb), FNV Mondiaal, Hivos, the India Committee of the Netherlands (ICN).Stop Child Labour collaborates with organizations in Asia, Africa and Latin America who work on the principle that ‘no child should work; every child must be in school’:
The Global march against child labor came about in 1998 due to the overwhelming response of the need to end child labor:
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