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Schoolpage Challenge 1 - Visser 't Hooft Lyceum 1D

Page history last edited by Ellen Vrolijk 9 years, 6 months ago



Topic 1:

Some of the drawings class 1D made:



drawing by Abdu:



Drawing by Len:


Drawing by Julius:


Drawing by Liliang:


Drawing by Roos:

Topic 2:

Sophie and Florine did an interview on healthcare in the Netherlands.


What's your name?

My name is Andrea Stouthamer.


Where do you work?

I work at the HAGA Hospital.


What do you do there?

I'm a dermatologist.


Are there any people who die of dehydration?

No, because we will always be able to pump water into their bodies.


Are there people who can't pay their hospital costs?

No, because everyone has an insurance.



Topic 3:


Hannah, Elaisha and Eva have made a terrific presentation on water in the Netherlands.

The did research and have filmed themselves so that everyone can learn from them!







Comments (3)

Bob Hofman said

at 7:59 am on Apr 16, 2015

Super... veel handiger zo :-)

Bob Hofman said

at 9:40 am on Apr 14, 2015

Hi Class 1D.. thanks for uploading the pdf's.. some school can not download files, so they will not be able to see your beautiful work.
I changed 1 pdf isn a png/jpg... and added it in your page.... easy, 20 seconds done.... can we challenge you to do the same for the other pdf's
#kanjers :-)

Bob Hofman said

at 3:19 pm on Mar 31, 2015

Well done Hannah, Elaisha and Eva..... #kanjers!!

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