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Schoolpage Challenge 1 - OLE- club, school "7 keys"

Page history last edited by teacher7keys@gmail.com 9 years, 6 months ago

Please post your school/group contribution on this page.


The right to good food, clean water and health care.

Topic 1:






















Topic 2:

Topic 3:

This is the main pool we take clean water from. It's called Shershnevskoye Water Storage.

It's an artificial reservoir, created in 1963-1969 in Chelyabinsk.
The length of the reservoir is 18 km, width 4 km.e
Shershnevskoe reservoir is used as the main source of water for our city.
Shershnevskoye reservoir actively used by people for farming. Along the banks of the reservoir eight collective gardens are located.

On the banks of the reservoir there are many blocks of flats as well as country houses, unfortunately often without central sewage treatment systems.
According to the statement of professor Nicholas Negutorova (Mechanics and Technology Faculty of SUSU), installation works as follows: the water passes through a pulse of electromagnetic charge with a certain polarity, frequency and voltage.
This setting causes the water to cleanse themselves and withdraw from its members harmful substances. This system has already been tested by world countries. The cleaning process takes 1-3 months, depending on the source of contamination.


Comments (1)

Natasha Cherednichenko said

at 1:04 pm on Mar 27, 2015

Dear participants,
thanks for the drawings. Can you write about healthcare system in your country for children, reflect the results of your research about children rights in these topics.

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