
Cartoons of Challenge 1

Page history last edited by Manon van Herwijnen 9 years, 8 months ago

On this page you find the pitches and cartoons which we all voted for!
Click here for 4 selected cartoons in HD 


In our own Newsroom Children's Rights of Cartoonmovement.com we can see awesome works of art and cartoons, uploaded by so many creative groups in the Circles.


The results of Challenge 1, the pitches and cartoons, are so powerful!

• On this page you can see the originals (the pitches).

• And here are the results created by professional cartoonists. 


Some cartoons have been uploaded proudly on your school page along with the original student's drawing.

In the past weeks everyone could vote for the best cartoons and pitches, now it's time to share the results!



Help wanted!

Some cartoonists have not made clear who created the original drawing.

So we really can use your additions to this page ..... please put your name and school under the pitch!



The winning Cartoons:



The winning pitch! Who made this drawing...Lara?  Lara Perša, Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava, from Slovenija :)



The Cartoonist response:



The winning cartoon (19 votes):


Based on:





Original student's drawings/pitches: 

Cartoonist response:  

Veel eten, weinig eten. By: Shariff, Werkenrode school




Plenty and nothing. By: Ramses Morales Izquierdo

(3 stemmen)





Two seventh graders about hunger in their country Lebanon:

(We need some help finding this drawing..) 

Leftovers. By: Michel Moro Gómez (MORO)

(9 votes)



Tears shed because of no fresh water. By: St. Theresa Catholic school, Canada.

Tears flower. By: Pavel Constantin (3 votes)



Tip top service.  By: Karan, Glenhaven Senior PS

'Restaurants make so much money and so much waste. Instead of feeding the extra food to children starving, they'd rather throw it out.'


Tip top service. By: Enrico Bertuccioli

(3 votes)




Recht op water voor iedereen. By: Bart Jan, Werkenrode school 



Water voor iedereen. By: Pavel Constantin (4 votes)



Sketch by: Marnix, Daan, Rutger and Janet (school?) 



Water is needed for everyone. By: Enrico Bertuccioli

(12 votes)

More water. By: Orion College, Amsterdam

'On the right: children in Africa who are in need of water. On the left: a carefree person with acces to water. You can even see the pipes coming out of the ground and in to the house!'


More water. By: Pavel Constantin

(3 votes) 




The planet without water. Uploaded by:

Cleverson Cavalcanti Pena (Brazil)

The planet and water. By: Pavel Constantin 

 (7 votes)

Lack and abundance. By: Pim and Lovell, De Meergronden


Lack and abundance. Van: Ramses Morales Izquierdo

(2 votes)



Lack and abundance. By: Pim and Lovell, De Meergronden



Abundance and lack in society. By: Ramses Morales Izquierdo 

(8 votes)

Lack of water.  Uploaded by: Cleverson Cavalcanti Pena (Brazil)


Water & health care. By: Pavel Constantin

(5 votes)

The only water that's left are tears. By: Noa Wassink (school?)


Acces to water. By: Anne Derenne

(7 votes)


XXX Clean water & Africa. Jan, De Meergronden 



Clean water & Africa.  Pavel Constantin

(6 votes)

Clean water & Africa. Jan, De Meergronden 


Clean water in Africa. Alex Falco Chang. 

(7 votes)

Getting easy clear drinking water. Kyra & Indy, College Cranendonck


Getting easy clear drinking water. Alex Falco Chang. 

(4 votes)

Uneven water. Anneroos & Jasper, De Meergronden


Uneven water.  Alfredo Martirena.

(3 votes)

Inequality. Pim & Lovell, De Meergronden 


Inequality. Alfredo Martirena.

(5 votes)

Getting easy clear drinking water. Kira & Indy,  College Cranendonck



Clean water. Ramses Morales Izquierdo.

(5 votes)

Getting easy clear drinking water. Kira & Indy,  College Cranendonck


Getting easy clear drinking water. Pavel Constantin.

(3 votes) 

Two worlds. Lara (the winning pitch)


Two sides of the world. Guffo

(7 votes)


Think before you say something! 



Diet. Guffo.

(5 votes)

Het recht op goede gezondheid. Jens van den Dungen,

College Cranendonck.

Right to a good health. Arcadio Esquivel. 

(8 votes)

Two worlds. Lara (the winning pitch) 


The two worlds. Vladimir Kazanevsky.

(8 votes) 

Think before you say something! 


There are problems and problems. Sofia Mamalinga

(9 votes)

Two worlds. Lara (the winning pitch)


Two worlds. Pavel Constantin.

(9 votes)

Two worlds. Lara (the winning pitch)


Think to the two worlds. Tomas.

(7 votes)

Think before you say something!  


Think before you say something! Enrico Bertolucci. 

(7 votes)

Getting easy clear drinking water. Kira & Indy, College Cranendonck



Water 1. Luc Vernimmen. 

(7 votes)

Two worlds. Lara (the winning pitch) 


F 5. Miquel Sánchez.

(11 votes) 

And last but not least!: De tekening van Niels van Het Prisma.




Stop poverty. Enrico Bertolucci. 

(3 votes)





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